Virago Star Owners Club
Somerset rideout 1
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Somerset rideout 1

What an unbelievable day!! Who says you can’t do a ride out in February?

For once, in I don’t know how many weeks, the sun actually shone in Somerset. No really it did!

For those who got their bikes out and braved the morning chill, the reward was a warm and sunny day with 70 odd miles of winding tarmac under our wheels (ok tarmac and potholes!) in a fabulous “Ivor led” rideout which took us to Wells for tea & cake. (naturally!)

The group were really chuffed to have the company of 2 potentially new members, Theo (who brought his son Henry) and Rosie a lady rider from Wells (yeah !!  we need more lady riders!). As we sat drinking tea, coffee and white hot chocolate (OMG…you’ve just gotta try it!) I couldn’t help wondering if our hard-nosed biker image was just too much for them lol, but hopefully we haven’t put them off and look forward to seeing them again soon.

Returning home my heart was so lifted that even the reality of having to wash a  minging bike couldn’t dampen my spirits…….. truly this was a day created to keep the biker blood running through our veins, until the next time, which may be a while…because it’s gonna rain again tomorrow!
